Bridgestone Costa Rica embodies and promotes fair and equitable treatment when searching for and hiring suppliers. These actions promote healthy competition throughout the supply chain, chain, laying the foundations for solid and long-lasting relationships.

In 2016, the company had 2,600 suppliers from several countries, including: Costa Rica, Mexico, US, Canada, Venezuela, Colombia, Japan, China, Argentina, Brazil, Korea, Germany and Taiwan. Of these suppliers, 47.2% are from Costa Rica, receiving 33% of the total amount paid to suppliers (US $161,762,149.45 in 2016).

Supply Management Process

The current processes of the Procurement Department are in compliance with the requirements of the business in order to safeguard and contribute to the development of the company’s commercial partners and the community.

Supplier and/or contractor registration policies have been improved, in addition to safety regulations and training sessions for suppliers.

One hundred percent of contracts with service providers guarantee compliance with the guidelines stipulated by Bridgestone Costa Rica.

Training to suppliers in matters of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Supplier Evaluation and Development

Through out this evaluation process, Bridgestone Costa Rica compiles information about how its suppliers embody sustainability concepts in order to align their practices with the principles promoted and embodied by the company.

This alignment process is achieved by increasing the number of training sessions and workshops for suppliers. These sessions encompass the improvements in sustainability criteria that the company applies when selecting and evaluating suppliers, including the quality, performance and warranties of the product or service offered by the supplier, in addition to reliability, speed of response, responsibility and compliance. In addition to these criteria, ethical market practices are a priority for the company’s suppliers.

To drive added value and engagement with our sustainability guidelines, we have implemented the Value Chain program, the goal of which is to offer Corporate Social Responsibility training options to suppliers, in addition to safety, environmental and legal training, among others.

Sustainable Procurement Practices

Bridgestone Costa Rica has a Green Procurement Policy (IT-900-11-09) that incorporates environmental variables into its procurement system. This policy promotes the purchase of more environmentally-friendly goods and services to mitigate any negative impact on the environment, in addition to ensuring greater efficiency in the use of natural resources and driving improvements in its environmental management.

Some of the environmental specifications for purchases include:

Use of recycled raw materials.

Use of recycled materials.

Use of less toxic materials.

Reduction in product volume and weight (to optimize transportation).

Less energy use.

Less water use.

Less waste generated in general.

Less packaging and/or packaging returns.

More efficient delivery logistics.

Optimization of life cycle.

Reuse of product.

Ease of repair.

Guarantees regarding proper waste management during the contract period (especially in terms of services), the use of renewable energy sources, the reduction of environmental noise and air pollutant emissions.

Through this policy, suppliers are evaluated using additional indicators to those required by law, going beyond the traditional principles of time, quality and price.

100% of service suppliers have contracts that ensure compliance with Bridgestone Costa Rica guidelines.