As a result of the study, in terms of perceptions surrounding performance and the priority issues to be reported for each Priority Area and Management Fundamental, based on the opinions of the stakeholders consulted, it was concluded that, in Colombia, there is a positive perception regarding the company’s sustainability, with an average rating of 83%.

Regarding the relevant issues to be reported, in addition to taking stakeholder priorities (survey results) into account, the internal issues were weighted based on the importance for each Working Area with regard to their role in organizational management, the impact they have on CSR issues (based on ISO 2600) and their relevance for media outlets (monitoring of news articles) during 2016. A sustainability benchmark of best sustainability practices for Bridgestone Colombia’s competitors was implemented.

The results are shown in the following Materiality Chart:

These material issues represent the convergence of the most relevant interests for both, stakeholders and the company. Since they are the top priorities for both parties, these issues are the ones towards which Bridgestone directs its sustainability strategy.