Safety always comes first.

At Bridgestone, we make safety a business value. Creating a safe working environment for all is everyone’s responsibility.

of employees are represented on the Health and Safety committees

2,259 medical appointments for employees at the Bandag Plant in León and the Cuernavaca Plant.

Health and safety training in 2016:
223 employees, 40 raining hours..

This Management Fundamental is aligned with the Safety Mission Statement, through which Bridgestone promotes the health and safety of all its employees, in compliance with workplace laws.

Half of Bridgestone Mexico’s employees are represented on the Health and Safety committees, through which monitor and evaluates health and safety indicators at the company’s plants are monitored and evaluated. In 2016, the Cuernavaca Plant reported 21 accidents. The total number of days lost as a result of illness was 5,229 for men and 288 for women. During the year, there were 2 incidences of occupational disease, and absenteeism among employees stood at 4.19%.

At the Bandag Plant, one accident was reported. The total number of days lost as a result of illness were 110 for men and 0 for women. There were no incidences of occupational diseases, and the absenteeism rate was 11%.